Umbrella Project [UMBL] Utility Token

Utility token feature

At the Umbrella Project, so far, we have announced only one token, $UMBL. The token contract can be found at the following link:


The UMBL token will be a utility token, due to its characteristics in its contract. (See Tokenomics in Whitepaper)

The utility of the UMBL token will be as follows:

1.1. Acquisition of Biocrates: Supply chests — called Biocrates — are the ones that contain random NFT items, based on their characteristic and rarity. Users will be able to purchase them for optimal in-game results. Currently, there are FOUR (04) BIOCRATES, divided into TWO (02) factions: SURVIVORS and UMBRELLA OPS, which can be purchased through our application by paying with BUSD (Binance-Peg Coin BEP20). Once all the pre-sale phases of the UMBL token are finished, there will be only ONE (01) chest per faction: ONE (01) from SURVIVORS, and ONE (01) from UMBRELLA OPS, where they will contain NFT items of the following rarities: COMMON, UNCOMMON, UNIQUE and RARE. The EPIC, LEGENDARY and MYTHICAL rarities will only be available as rewards, through a DROP system, only available if the user has any of the plots (maps) equipped.

1.2 City Land Plots: Function and characteristic.The City Land Plots are individual maps, where users will have to play to obtain rewards in UMBL tokens and drops of nft objects of EPIC, LEGENDARY and MYTHIC rarities. The user will only be able to obtain items of these rarities through the game on plot maps, if they own any. You can get all kinds of plots that exist, because these will be different game maps, each one of them differing by its drop percentage, which will be higher or lower. Once the pre-sale stages of the UMBL utility token are completed, the City Land Plots will be acquired at a higher price than the one they had in the pre-sale stage (above 100%) by paying with BUSD.

1.3 Rewards in UMBL Utility token:

Players will get rewards in UMBL tokens, for their participation in all available game versions (currently in development), which will be informed once the development of them is finished. Creating a game with an AAA feature is not easy at all, so it requires many hours of work and dedication, which we have shown to this day. With the UMBL tokens that users receive as a reward, they will be able to:

A. Buy BIOCRATES -NFT Objects-

B. Level up game characters, in order to unlock new abilities and features that will help players to solve the situations that arise.

C. Exchange them, through our application (Swap function) for the security token, with a specific conversion ratio, resulting from the amount of total liquidity of the stock token, and the number of active players or investors in the project. The greater the number of total users, the smaller the exchange gap will be and it will have an exponential function in dynamic terms of growth, so this parity will vary.

Because it is a utility token, that is, it will be used to carry out internal transactions within the application, the UMBL token will not have added liquidity, to avoid fluctuations and volatility, preserving NFT objects, the fundamental pieces of our project; and this, in turn avoiding harming the players. Below, we explain to users why we have decided to do it this way:

All nft games that have had a single exchange token (free to trade) to play and earn in-game rewards — and have had good intentions — have failed due to their high volatility. Users would purchase these in-game tokens, paying with a stablecoin or other exchange, and then transact in-game (purchase nft items, etc). The problem with this is that if the token becomes unstable (generated by the decisions of users who do not play, they only speculate) the NFT objects of the game would be radically affected by said volatility. Several projects to try to solve this have tried to create liquidity pools, and the STAKE function, to motivate holders not to sell those assets, but it has not been sustainable either, because the problem lies in the cause, not in the result.

At Umbrella Project, we propose a solution to this problem: have TWO (02) tokens. ONE (01) of utility -UMBL- for internal transactions of the application (Exchange function for the security token, through the project application. Not tradable in exchanges or outside the project application) and ONE (01) security [KILLER] (tradeable, representing project actions). This security token will, in turn, be the one that will be listed on the exchanges.

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